Oscar fever is in the air as they approach on Sunday February 26th, and even I can’t help but get excited to see the show. Of course my vote is for The Artist, with that adorable Jack Russell terrier stealing every black and white scene. But it’s not the days of Lassie, when her soft hued “bedroom eyes” could make the other dogs swoon. Today’s high definition cameras show under eye tear stains that can make a dog look more like your last hangover! While we can dab on some cover up, your dog’s tear stains can be a little bit trickier to handle.
A dog’s tear stains are caused by a number of factors; nutrition, external irritations, or even simple genetics. The discoloration that happens under the eyes is most often caused by bacteria growth. Each dog is different, so the remedy for each will be different as well.
Your dog’s diet could be affecting bacteria growth in their system, so changing their food could help. I believe natural is always better, so make sure to check ingredients. Sometimes a daily dose of calcium carbonate, like that found in an antacid, will be enough to adjust the pH of their tears, making it harder for bacteria to grow.
It’s not hard to imagine the environmental issues that could affect your pint-sized companion, walking side by side with your fabulous Manolo Blahnik’s puts Fifi right on level with dust, dirt, and car exhaust! All of that debris could cause even the happiest pup to shed some tears. Wiping her face after each walk will help to keep the tear ducts clean and ready to work properly, keeping your pup’s eyes clear and bright. When tearing does occur an all natural way to kill bacteria and microbes is colloidal silver water, found at most health stores. Daily application with a spray bottle or cotton pad can prevent staining from ruining an otherwise great face.
Whatever the reason for your dog’s tear stains, these tips should help you and your dog leave that runny mascara look in the past and, just like the pros, be ready for your close up in no time!
By Jorge Bendersky,
Celebrity Dog Expert and Groomer