Hello Blogers!
It has take me a couple of days to get myself together to write my unscheduled blog entry, but I being getting a few e-mails asking why I haven’t commented on the season finale of GROOMER HAS IT, so here I go…
Was I happy with the result? YES, As I say it before, I really like Jonathan and Artist, and respect both of them, Jonathan is a master of his craft, and Artist’s passion, will and drive made his dream come true. We all wanted to win for different reasons, I was just there to have fun, I don’t agree with those that say that since me or Jonathan have some celebrity clients we didn’t need the money, but what is true, winning Groomer Has It will have made my life easier, but will not really change it more that being a contestant has already change it. Artist life, on the other hand, I believe it will totally change, and for nothing but good, and he deserve that, I honestly don’t care if he wasn’t the more “seasoned” groomer in the house. He is, on my eyes, a role model, someone that will encourage other young men like him to never stop dreaming, he is a success story, and I’m trill he got the check and the truck J.
I do have to say that, being involve in the sport of breeding and showing dogs for so long, I was expecting better quality dogs for the final Dog Show, California is the home of some of the best kennels in the US, I was expecting to see dogs that will represent their breed properly, hopefully, for season 2, dog breeders are going to be willing to let Animal Planet use some of their dogs J.
Now I better start thinking how to get my life back… I’m like an old dog… I get so use to routines, I walk to work always on the same street, I have the same breakfast, and I watch the same programs, so my Saturday nights were all about Groomer Has It… Now I better get use to do something J
Jorge Bendersky
Hello Jorge!
Just wanted to say that I'm glad I'm not the only one who needs to find something to do on Saturday nights now, haha! I mean, I'm looking forward to that new Greatest American Dog next Thursday, but what to do until then?
I don't know about you, but I think I'm going to read my dog magazines, brush up on training techniques, or practice martial arts. Just throwing those out there :)
I'll be following your blog, as I am a fan! Later Jorge!
(the same one from Animal Planet's Groomer Mill)
I'm glad you had a great time and learned a lot.
However, we all know that if the competition was about grooming abilities, pet care, breed knowledge and client satisfaction Artist would NOT have won. They GAVE him the prize because he had the "right" personal characteristics and background. I don't think anyone should be happy when discrimination occurs. Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of a person or a group of people based on certain characteristics.
Anyway, I wish all the real groomers the best of success. You all deserve it.
Que tal Jorge?
Soy Miguel de la Argentina, y seguia el programa "Mascotas con Pinta" solo por vos che.
Te re banco, tendrias que haber ganado vos, pero buee, es lo q hay, garra y adelante!
Un fuerte abrazo latinista!
Con afecto,
Gracias miguel por haber seguido el show.
Me puso super contento el que hallan pasado el show en Argentina!!!
hola jorge como andas? bueno te cuento que el programa lo seguimos desde el principio con toda mi familia jaja al enterarnos de que un argentino participaba, se notaba que llevas mucho tiempo viviendo alla porque lograste un acento muy neoyorkino :) con respecto a tus habilidades creo que jonathan y vos deberian haber llegado a la final eran muy talentosos aunque artist tiene lo suyo creo que es un tipo muy sincero y tiene habilidad para aprender. Me hubiera encantado la final jorge vs Jonathan jaja enfrentar a muerte al tipo con el que mejor te llevabas hubiera sido interesante :) Jorge pienso que aunque no hallas ganado para mi sos el mejor y me encanta tu frase "come on i'm jorge the best" :D
Saludos desde buenos aires, santiago ferrufino.
Hola Jorge!
Te vi y seguí en la serie de 'Groomer has it' y me convertí en tu fan. La neta me caíste muy bien y ni siquiera te conozco. Es una lástima que no hayas ganado porque te lo merecías. Y me encantan tus tatuajes, se ven cool =)
Espero estés muy bien donde sea que estés. Te mando un saludo desde México y muchos besos y abrazos! Cuídate =)
Con cariño, Mónica.
muchisimas gracias Monica por tus palabras, me alegro que te halla gustado el show :),
Hola Jorge:
Queremos decirte que nos alegro tu participacion, que lastima que no llegaras a la final, hubiera sido lo maximo. Mi familia te estima un monton y te deseamos lo mejor.
Saludos desde Peru
Mariella y Ronald
p.d: siempre recordaremos tu personalidad tan genial y carismatica
Hola Jorge!! Me encantò tu participaciòn en el show.. Siento que entraste con un buen espìritu competitivo y terminaste demostrando tu calidad humana. Fue refrescante ver que mientras algunos participantes se quebrantaban con la presiòn, al contrario, fuiste creciendo no sòlo a nivel profesional, si no personal y eso te hace ya un ganador. Saludos desde Mèxico!! :P
Hola Jorge como estas?!!!eras uno de mis favoritos en el reality de mascotas con pinta, me gusto mucho,me pareció original y diferente y por supuesto que me hubiera gustado que ganes!!!, mucha luz y exitos...un saludo desde Salta Argentina...Constantino...;-)
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